Saturday 1 June 2024

Merging communism with religion – Venezuelan socialism

The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (Spanish: Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela, PSUV), ruling since 2007 in Venezuela, defines its values and principles as follows: 

"The party is constituted as a socialist party, and affirms that a socialist society is the only alternative to overcome the capitalist system. It assumes as ideological sources the thoughts and works of Simón Bolívar, Simón Rodríguez and Ezequiel Zamora. The party values in the same way the principles of scientific socialism, Christianity, liberation theology, all critical and humanist universal thought, gender equity and equality, and the ethical obligation to build a [political] model respectful of life and mother Earth that guarantees human survival. 

As a multiethnic and diverse party, it nurtures its roots of Afro-Indianism bequeathed by Guaicaipuro and José Leonardo Chirino, all inspired by the fundamental leadership and revolutionary ideas of Commander Hugo Chávez, aimed at creating the new man and woman in a melting pot of hopes and dreams that make our socialism a mestizo socialism, loaded with Africanity, the elements of the indigenous peoples, and with the international vision that has had Francisco de Miranda as its greatest proponent. 

We assume the principle of civic-military unity to guarantee the defense of national and popular sovereignty." 

— Article 3: Values and Principles, PSUV Statutes, 2010

"The Saviours" mural in the capital of Venezuela  

Qasem Soleimani and Hugo Chávez next to Jesus Christ and Imam Mahdi, April 2024: 

Photos' source: BBC Persian, 28 April 2024,

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