Limited stupidity is much more dangerous than unlimited stupidity.
Limited stupidity is like saying I believe and follow only one individual or only one book or only a set of laws and rules.
Unlimited stupidity is much less dangerous for others, but most dangerous for those themselves who follow a group of individuals or a mix of some books or a mix of sets of the laws and rules.
Those who prefer unlimited stupidity could be called extreme opportunists who very easily change even their political side(s).
Unlimited stupidity is much more flexible than limited stupidity.
The logical and real political conclusion is that the modern Western democracies prefer unlimited stupidity to limited stupidity in times of change or in times of crisis. Even statistically.
YES stupid, everything is not about economy, OR: Yes, it is the economy, you stupid.
Be polite, and continue your live by choosing from the options that you have. If you want. If not, do what you want. Still it is again your own choice...
Azadeh Sepehri, 25 February 2024, Western Europe.