Saturday, 19 November 2022

Life is a lottery, a coincidence, or just a fuck?!

Maybe yes, maybe no. But at least you should know that in EU-countries the real lottery game has forty-nine numbers plus a few more. Therefore, don't think that you can say "One, two, three, I won the lottery!" 

Yeah, life is a FUCK, which can be a fact, too. And if you are a new refugee in any country in the world (not only in the EU) try never to say "Alhamdullelah"! 

(October 2022) 

Chao Amigos!

Bella chao, bella chao, chao, chao,
Tick-tick, tick-tick, tactic tactic,
But at least with some strategy! 

(October 2022) 

Everything you should know about sex and six

Six (6) is just a number. Sex is either something like "gender" (like man or woman, or ...) or it is an act of some kind of real fucking between two or more individuals. If you know, if masturbation is an act of sex too, you may be very wise or clever or even happy or very crazy.  

SORRY! Why?! I don't know! 

(October 2022) 

Facebook asks

Facebook asks: What is on your mind. Answer: Maybe your weight! 


What is capitalistic?!

Coffee is coffee, 
and almost all people are coffeist. 
Tobacco is tobacco, 
and almost all people are tobaccoist. 
Middle-finger is middle finger, 
and all people are either impolite or protesters. 
I wish at least your middle finger all the best. 

(October 2022, Germany/Cologne) 

Is is Is?!

East is east, 
West is often not West, 
Far-East is very far away, 
Africa may be very near, 
And "US" is "US". 
I wish you all the best. 

(October 2022, Germany/Cologne) 

Think Once

Think once, or at least once, before thinking you are internationally (or globally) an important politician or even an important thinker. Don't think about statistics. You can even wish that future will exist even without you. No mathematics, no border, Only your kindness & murder. 


Date:28September2022, Country:Germany. 
