Sunday, 30 May 2021
Monday, 17 May 2021
Islamic Hooligans rally in Cologne, Germany (+Video)
On Saturday, 15 May 2021, a large crowd of pro-Palestinian Muslims gathered in the city centre of Cologne (Germany) to demonstrate their hate against Jewish people and Israel.
A video report by Gerd Buurmann:
The pictures in this video show that also the younger generations of Palestinians living in Europe are intensely with Islamism infected, and that they are barely influenced by the political and cultural values of Western countries. This indicates the low level of their integration and participation in the host society.
Many pro-Palestinian Muslims in Germany are extremely antisemitic and apparently call for the extermination of Jews. In many anti-Israel rallies in Germany they chant: “Jews in the gas chambers, again!” (I was myself witness of the use of this slogan at a protest march in Bonn.) In the above video, they shout: “Germany, we are here! Bomb Israel!” It seems that they think Germany still is governed by Nazis and aims to exterminate Jewish people. With the cited slogan, for example, they want to tell Germans: “show courage, don’t be afraid, we and the whole world are supporting you in your battle against Jews, make use of your power and bomb Israel”. Obviously, they have missed the last 76 years, not only culturally, but politically, too.