Sunday, 30 December 2018

Tired of being hired?!

Tired of being hired?!
Start your own business today!

Image: A Big Issue seller

Saturday, 22 December 2018

A-Levels’ hot fuck

Everybody who went to school or university in Germany would certify that studying in Germany is 20 to 100 times harder than in the UK. When applying for a degree course in the UK, my German A-Level qualification had to be assessed. In Germany the A-levels consist of major subjects called “Hauptfach”, and minor subjects called “Nebenfach”. When I contacted the assessment organisation to check my eligibility for the course, the advisor asked me if I had had English as A-level “hot fuck”. I did not understand the word, so I asked him to repeat the sentence. After the third time, I guessed that by “hot fuck” he meant “Hauptfach” (major subject). For about 30 seconds I pondered over my school experience in Germany, then responded: “No. Thank God, I had it only as a mild fuck!”