Saturday 1 June 2024

Merging communism with religion – Venezuelan socialism

The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (Spanish: Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela, PSUV), ruling since 2007 in Venezuela, defines its values and principles as follows: 

"The party is constituted as a socialist party, and affirms that a socialist society is the only alternative to overcome the capitalist system. It assumes as ideological sources the thoughts and works of Simón Bolívar, Simón Rodríguez and Ezequiel Zamora. The party values in the same way the principles of scientific socialism, Christianity, liberation theology, all critical and humanist universal thought, gender equity and equality, and the ethical obligation to build a [political] model respectful of life and mother Earth that guarantees human survival. 

As a multiethnic and diverse party, it nurtures its roots of Afro-Indianism bequeathed by Guaicaipuro and José Leonardo Chirino, all inspired by the fundamental leadership and revolutionary ideas of Commander Hugo Chávez, aimed at creating the new man and woman in a melting pot of hopes and dreams that make our socialism a mestizo socialism, loaded with Africanity, the elements of the indigenous peoples, and with the international vision that has had Francisco de Miranda as its greatest proponent. 

We assume the principle of civic-military unity to guarantee the defense of national and popular sovereignty." 

— Article 3: Values and Principles, PSUV Statutes, 2010

"The Saviours" mural in the capital of Venezuela  

Qasem Soleimani and Hugo Chávez next to Jesus Christ and Imam Mahdi, April 2024: 

Photos' source: BBC Persian, 28 April 2024,

Sweden: Iran uses criminal gangs for terrorist activities

Sweden's security service said on Thursday 27 May 2024 that the Iranian government had been using criminal networks within Sweden to carry out violent acts against other states, groups and individuals. 

The Security Service said that Iran had targeted the interests of other states in Sweden, and specifically Israel, and had also sought to act against Iranian dissident groups and individuals from the Iranian diaspora. (Reuters, 30/05/2024)

Swedish security service says Iran uses criminal networks in Sweden, Reuters, 30 May 2024:

Stockholm accuses Iran of using criminals in Sweden to target Israel or Jewish interests, AP, 30 May 2024:

Israel, Sweden: Iran Using Criminal Gangs for European Terror, The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), 30 May 2024:

Sunday 14 April 2024

Was Darwin the real father of Nietzche?!

What is the connection between Nietzche's Uebermensch and the verb ueberleben (survive in German)?! 

I would say that that idea or even ideology wanted to report or to tell others that only the elite would survive in a Nazi-state or some other systems similar to that one. What do you think?! Never try to answer this question completely and precisely, because suddenly (that means, for example after 50 years) you would have to write 500.000 pages to EXPRESS Yourself... 

Wednesday 21 February 2024. 

Institutional racism leads to institutional corruption

Institutional racism leads to institutional corruption ... 

Don't ask: Why?! ... 

Just try to think twice or more... 

05. March 2024, Western Europe. 

Unlimited and Limited Stupidity...

Limited stupidity is much more dangerous than unlimited stupidity. 

Limited stupidity is like saying I believe and follow only one individual or only one book or only a set of laws and rules. 

Unlimited stupidity is much less dangerous for others, but most dangerous for those themselves who follow a group of individuals or a mix of some books or a mix of sets of the laws and rules. 

Those who prefer unlimited stupidity could be called extreme opportunists who very easily change even their political side(s). 

Unlimited stupidity is much more flexible than limited stupidity.

The logical and real political conclusion is that the modern Western democracies prefer unlimited stupidity to limited stupidity in times of change or in times of crisis. Even statistically. 

YES stupid, everything is not about economy, OR: Yes, it is the economy, you stupid. 

Be polite, and continue your live by choosing from the options that you have. If you want. If not, do what you want. Still it is again your own choice... 

Azadeh Sepehri, 25 February 2024, Western Europe.

What's happening …

What's happening?! ... 

An industrial revolution, again, with some or a lot of unrest (depending on [geopolitical] location)... 

Wednesday 21 February 2024, Western-Europe. 

(published here: 14 April 2024)

The Night Is Long ...

The Night Is Long, 

the Day Is Longer, 

and my life could (or may?!) continue...

another 100 Years... 

Oh My God ...!!!

19 February 2024, Western-Europe.

Today …

Today may be a good day/night, 

or do you think 

I am a statistics expert? 

But still I call this a poem, 

even if I myself wouldn't call myself a poet. 

Friday the 09th of February 2024. 

When I was, If I were ...

When I was a donkey, 

they said: no, you are a monkey. 

When I said I am a human-being, 

they said: Please, don't blame me. 

When I asked: how are You, 

they answered: worse than You! 

And exactly at this point 

our conversation, or communication, 


And all day and night 

I tried not to say FuckYou! 

Fuck you... 

ha ha ha, it's really not funny, 

but I will call it a poem. Still. 

Thursday 08 February 2024, Western Europe, time: after or before evening. 

Friday 16 February 2024

The Story of a Man Who Was Against a Lot of Things...

 (A short-story by Azadeh Sepehri) 

A man, or even a so-called-man who didn't want to participate in any political wars or protests since 2022, decided to go to Ukraine as a prisoner in 2024, and there to help the land of Ukraine to prosperity. 

You can yourself imagine, what comedy actions and what sad and tragic actions he had to witness... 

Therefore. I end this short-story here, and wish you a lot of hope, wishes, and most important: ENERGY... 

Thank you. 

25 February 2024. 

Thursday 15 February 2024

The Man Who Killed Me

 The Man Who Killed Me 

(A short-story by Azadeh Sepehri, again...) 

A man who killed me by promises, sometimes even 24/7/365. 

Thursdays 15 February 2024. 

It was raining...

It was raining cats and dogs From Himmel, 

And they all said that I have a Pimmel! 


Because they were all crazy and suffering from Unlimited Stupidity... 


Thursday 15 February 2024. 



Reft... Light, Reft... Light... 

Maybe it was the guilt of

too much Usage of Renovo Raptops 

and KHA-P printers, 

or even of unlimited stupidity 

which led to too much TRUST... 

With Love and Sadness from Western-Europe. Rove is not Love. Yesterday is not tomorrow. Today is not Th-OHmG-day and etc. and etc. 

Tuesday, the 13th of February 2024. 

Saturday 5 August 2023

The Robinson-Crusoe-Complex

It can be said that the most intensive cultural complex of European people is a sort of Robinson-Crusoe-complex which reflects itself in self-isolation and detachment from the (real) world, even through 60+ hours work a week. With the desire, finally getting enough strong to play the role of the father of Jesus for some remote people. Please don't think I were talking about something like "Kissinger alone in (and against) China", or "Trump alone in (and against) North Korea". No, please! The US have a completely different culture... 

28 July 2023, in (and against?! Why ... the fuck?!) Cologne/Germany

Monday 24 July 2023

My First Three Published Books

published in July 2023: 

Don't say (...)... ___The rules and rulers of 2023

Everything you tried not to know about the LEFT....

Persian for Beginners...: At least during summer 2023


Saturday 19 November 2022

Life is a lottery, a coincidence, or just a fuck?!

Maybe yes, maybe no. But at least you should know that in EU-countries the real lottery game has forty-nine numbers plus a few more. Therefore, don't think that you can say "One, two, three, I won the lottery!" 

Yeah, life is a FUCK, which can be a fact, too. And if you are a new refugee in any country in the world (not only in the EU) try never to say "Alhamdullelah"! 

(October 2022) 

Chao Amigos!

Bella chao, bella chao, chao, chao,
Tick-tick, tick-tick, tactic tactic,
But at least with some strategy! 

(October 2022) 

Everything you should know about sex and six

Six (6) is just a number. Sex is either something like "gender" (like man or woman, or ...) or it is an act of some kind of real fucking between two or more individuals. If you know, if masturbation is an act of sex too, you may be very wise or clever or even happy or very crazy.  

SORRY! Why?! I don't know! 

(October 2022) 

Facebook asks

Facebook asks: What is on your mind. Answer: Maybe your weight! 


What is capitalistic?!

Coffee is coffee, 
and almost all people are coffeist. 
Tobacco is tobacco, 
and almost all people are tobaccoist. 
Middle-finger is middle finger, 
and all people are either impolite or protesters. 
I wish at least your middle finger all the best. 

(October 2022, Germany/Cologne)